The Grove Montenegro
The Grove

Our Story


our story


Most days at the Grove we are asked, “So how did you find this building?”

Let’s say it all began when Tom started a hostel in Budapest in 2007 after winding up there on a saxophone-making apprenticeship. There he met Chris, who in time met Tom’s brothers Pat and Sam. Chris stayed in touch with them but ended up elsewhere. The three brothers started a successful teahouse in Newcastle Upon Tyne. That’s the background. Then came Tom’s little reconnaissance trip through Montenegro. He found this:


It was an old olive mill, built in the Ottoman style out of local stone. It had been on the market for years, was partially destroyed inside, and needed much love. There were donkeys in it. Which were allegedly very scary at night if you didn’t know they were there. There were spiders. And there was so much potential. The four friends managed to buy it in 2015. Tom and Chris and a merry band of naive fools jumped in to an old school bus with a bunch of tools and some furniture they’d never use and drove from the UK to Montenegro in February 2016. And so began the renovation, with the intention of creating the sort of space they themselves would love to stay in: something that echoed the history of the building and emphasised the importance of shared communal space; where every year since, people have come from far and wide to share food and drink, play, dance, pat chickens and cats, and remind ourselves about the importance of such things amidst the haste of modern life.


If you’d like to see more of the nitty gritty of our lives during the renovation, check out Zoe’s short documentaries on our Youtube channel. Here’s the final edition, a month out from our opening in May 2017:


Or, have a gander at what life is like nowadays with us: